What Is Myopia Control, and How Does It Work?

What Is Myopia Control, and How Does It Work?

What Is Myopia Control, and How Does It Work?

What Is Myopia Control, and How Does It Work?

The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that myopia is a common eye disorder often associated with more serious eye conditions that lead to vision loss. That is why controlling myopia as early as possible is important. Understanding how myopia control works can help you prepare for your next eye appointment. Here are the details. 



What Myopia Control Is


Myopia control describes the available treatments that can slow myopia progression. Your eye doctor may suggest treatments like atropine drops and eyeglasses. Controlling nearsightedness is important in children. Research shows that myopia can progress rapidly during this stage of development. 


Managing myopia in teens is also crucial because their symptoms may still be worsening. Studies reveal that only about 50% of teens with myopia reach stability by 16 years old. That is why eye doctors recommend continuing control measures until early adulthood. Myopia progression in young adults is slower than in kids or teens. This can lead to a more fruitful control of nearsightedness. 





Ortho-k lenses are rigid contacts that you must wear overnight. These lenses reshape the cornea as you sleep. The following day, you enjoy clear distance vision even without corrective glasses or lenses. 


Remember that the effects of ortho-k lenses are temporary. The clear vision during the day will regress by late afternoon or evening. You must wear the lenses overnight again. Studies show that these lenses may give you some degree of permanent reduction in the worsening of your myopia. Make sure to see your eye doctor for regular eye checks. Doing so will allow your eye care provider to keep an eye on your treatment progress. 



Peripheral Focus Contacts


These are multifocal contact lenses for myopia patients six to 12 years old. They have different focus areas that look like sections of a dartboard. The bull’s eye clears up distant vision. The outer areas defocus the peripheral vision. Research shows that blurring the side or peripheral vision may stop or slow myopia and eye growth. As a parent, you must help your child care for and maintain these lenses since they are prone to contamination. 



Low-dose Atropine Drops


Your eye doctor can give small amounts of atropine eye drops to children two to three years of age. Scientists believe that these drops may keep the child’s eye from elongating. Studies show that myopia worsens when the eye lengthens. Children five to 18 years old can also receive low-dose atropine eye drops at bedtime. 



The Benefits


Myopia control can improve your vision, which can give you a better quality of life. Prescription changes become less frequent. Your vision stabilizes. You experience less vision deterioration between eye checkups. Myopia control helps children and teens perform well inside and outside the classroom. The effects of myopia control are long-lasting. The treatments can lower your risk of developing serious eye conditions, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. 


Myopia control can improve your vision and quality of life under the guidance of your eye doctor. At Waco Vision Source, we provide our patients with appropriate, high-quality eye care products and services. Feel free to visit our facility in Waco, Texas, for a one-on-one consultation. Please call 254-776-8119 to set an appointment or ask about our myopia control packages.

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