Looking for Eye Comfort? What You Need to Know About Scleral Lenses

Looking for Eye Comfort? What You Need to Know About Scleral Lenses

Looking for Eye Comfort? What You Need to Know About Scleral Lenses

Looking for Eye Comfort? What You Need to Know About Scleral Lenses

The comfort of our eyes is something we often take for granted until we experience discomfort or a decline in vision. Whether it's due to long hours spent in front of a computer screen, exposure to harsh environmental conditions, or the presence of an eye condition, it's essential to prioritize our eye health and comfort. The quest for enhancing eye comfort leads many to explore different solutions, and one that is gaining popularity is the use of scleral lenses. But what exactly are these lenses and how can they help improve the comfort of your eyes?

What Are Scleral Lenses?


Scleral lenses are large-diameter gas-permeable contact lenses. They differ from regular contact lenses in their size and design, covering a larger portion of the eye's surface and providing several advantages over traditional lenses.

With the advent of modern technology and advanced lens materials, scleral lenses have been revolutionized, making them a viable option for many people looking for enhanced eye comfort.

How Do Scleral Lenses Work?


Scleral lenses work by creating a smooth, artificial surface over the irregular or dry cornea, helping to improve vision and comfort. These lenses vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, creating a reservoir of fluid that bathes the eye throughout the day. This design aids in keeping the eye hydrated and comfortable, especially in dry or challenging environments.

Additionally, the larger diameter of scleral lenses provides more stability than traditional lenses. They are less likely to move around with blinking or eye movements, reducing the risk of irritation and discomfort associated with lens movement. This stability is particularly beneficial for those with active lifestyles or those who struggle with regular contact lenses moving or falling out.

Common Eye Conditions Addressed by Scleral Lenses


Scleral lenses have proven to be beneficial in managing a range of common eye conditions. These include dry eye syndrome, keratoconus, post-corneal transplant, and other corneal irregularities.

Dry eye syndrome, a condition characterized by insufficient tear production or poor tear quality, can lead to discomfort and vision problems. The tear reservoir created by scleral lenses helps to keep the eye surface hydrated, relieving dry eye symptoms and enhancing eye comfort.

Keratoconus, a condition where the cornea becomes cone-shaped, can cause blurry and distorted vision. Scleral lenses create a smooth refractive surface over the irregular cornea, improving vision and comfort for those with keratoconus.

Scleral lenses can also be beneficial for those who have undergone corneal transplant surgery. They provide a protective barrier over the delicate post-surgical cornea and help improve visual acuity. Similarly, they can aid those with other corneal irregularities or deformities, providing a more comfortable and effective vision correction solution than traditional contact lenses or glasses.

The Benefits of Using Scleral Lenses


The use of scleral lenses offers numerous benefits, especially in terms of enhancing eye comfort. Their unique design and the way they work provide advantages that go beyond regular contact lenses.

One of the major benefits of scleral lenses is their ability to improve hydration and alleviate dry eye symptoms. The tear-filled vault they create can help keep the eye surface moist, reducing discomfort associated with dryness.

Another significant benefit is their stability on the eye. Their larger size and unique design reduce the risk of lens dislodgement, providing a more secure and comfortable fit. This stability also allows for sharper and more stable vision, especially for those with corneal irregularities.

Moreover, scleral lenses can provide high-quality vision correction. By creating a new refractive surface over the cornea, they can correct vision problems caused by an irregular corneal shape, such as astigmatism or keratoconus.

Is it Time to Switch to Scleral Lenses?


Scleral lenses can be a game-changer for those struggling with eye discomfort or common eye conditions. Offering improved hydration, stability, and vision correction, these lenses have the potential to significantly enhance eye comfort and overall eye health.

Are you ready to take the next step towards enhancing your eye comfort? Consider the benefits of scleral lenses and consult with our professionals to determine if these lenses are the right solution for you. Visit Waco Vision Source at our office in Waco, Texas, or call 254-776-8119 to schedule an appointment today.

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